It's time for a tune up and I was just wondering how to change the coolant in a 2001 Taurus.
Thanks!How do I change the engine coolant in a 2001 Ford Taurus?Drain the radiator into a drain pan through the driver's side lower radiator drain plug and then refill with a 50% mix of distilled water and antifreeze. You may have to remove a plastic panel to access the drain plug. Loosen the radiator cap so the coolant drains freely.How do I change the engine coolant in a 2001 Ford Taurus?Drain the fluid first. then add new fluid. unscrew the plug from the bottom of the radiator there should be instructions on the back of the new coolant bottle on how to refill a empty radiator.How do I change the engine coolant in a 2001 Ford Taurus?type into search box
how to change coolant video