Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Can i change my engine for another random one?
My engine is 'knocking' because i did not change my oil and supposedly it's having a hard time...something to do with oil. I have another random unused engine in the house, can i change it for that one...i don't know what engine it is...i only think it's more powerful....I know a mechanic that i think charges 40 bucks an hour...about how much do you think it would come to?Can i change my engine for another random one?too little information, please elaborateCan i change my engine for another random one?It's a bit complicated to swap an engine. The only engine that would be practical to swap would be an identical one to the the one you are replacing. Auto salvage yards could sell you a used engine that will work, and probably also be available to install it for you. This only makes sense if the rest of the car is in pretty good shape. The other choice would be to have your mechanic order a rebuilt %26quot;short block%26quot; and install it for you. In that choice, you aren't taking a chance on a used engine. Ask your mechanic to price out both alternatives. Hopefully you will change the oil in the future you so you don't have this happen again. Good luck.Can i change my engine for another random one?replacing an engine is not like changing a battery where you just put the new one in and up you go. make sure your mechanic have experience changing engine otherwise you will end up paying more.find horses for sale bitting their nails