Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Can I put a 2007 Mazda 3 Automatic engine into a 1997 Manual Protege?

This is serious. I am not sure I can do this, but is there a possibility? How much stuff do I got to change to make the Protege an automatic or keep it at manual on the automatic engine. (change transmittion possibly.)

Money is not a factor in this.Can I put a 2007 Mazda 3 Automatic engine into a 1997 Manual Protege?the engine is not an automatic or a manual, it is the transmission. You could hook up either an auto or manual tranny to an engine. so yes in that respect you can hook up an engine that IS attached to an auto tranny to a manual tranny. You need to make sure the manual tranny is able to support the engine though. This will probably be fine since mazda's are fairly low powered engines. and usually it is not worth changing a vehicle from a manual tranny to an auto. it is hard to do and VERY expensive. If you swap the engine, leave the manual transmission in the car. plus, who wants to drive an automatic anyways??? NO FUNCan I put a 2007 Mazda 3 Automatic engine into a 1997 Manual Protege?if money is not a factor buy new car/mazda has some hot stuff//your swap wont work/computers wont match and car will not go
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