because i cant figure out how toHow do you reset the change engine oil light on a chevy silverado 2002?I have a chevy silverado 2005, and I know what your going through. Today is your day!
1.) Turn your truck off
2.) Turn it on but don't start it.
3.) Press the accelerator 3x's
4.) Then turn it off
5.) Then start it up
Send me a e-mail if you have any problems, and I'll walk you through it over the phone.How do you reset the change engine oil light on a chevy silverado 2002?It's expalined in the owners manual. most GM vehicles you turn the key to %26quot;on%26quot; Dont start it and pump the gas pedal 5 times. You should hear two %26quot;chimes%26quot; from the info display then the oil life will reset to 100%
Check to owner manual or GM's web siteHow do you reset the change engine oil light on a chevy silverado 2002?take loose the battery cables and wait 30 seconds and reconnect the battery .most of the time this does the trickHow do you reset the change engine oil light on a chevy silverado 2002?I am most positive that if you shatter the light and put a new one in it should do the trick. Just kidding. Turn your ignition to on and step on the accelorator 3x and turn it off and then turn it back on.How do you reset the change engine oil light on a chevy silverado 2002?Do the pedal tap 3 times with key on. Disconnecting the battery requires resetting the radio, tooHow do you reset the change engine oil light on a chevy silverado 2002?1st don't disconnect the battery that may reset your radio and some other systems if the radio resets you have to get a code to unlock it. To reset its like the other people say turn the ignition on don't start it depress the gas pedal 3 times in 5 seconds you will then hear the tone that says its reset.How do you reset the change engine oil light on a chevy silverado 2002?unhook the battery cable for 5 min the reapply and it should reset the engine light.How do you reset the change engine oil light on a chevy silverado 2002?you first need to disconnect the negative and the positive so that the engine and the radio could reset and also when taking the battery out clean the posts and the terminals so it could start better after about 25min connect the battery .when getting in the car pump the accelartor and wait about 3min and start the car and if turns off then there is no problem with car if it turns on again then you might have to get it checked out by the dealer or a machinic
Also check if you have changed the oil and see if the car has any oil when before turning on
hope the light turns offHow do you reset the change engine oil light on a chevy silverado 2002?I believe you turn key on then step on accelerator pedal three times this should do it