Monday, November 22, 2010

How to change engine oil of toyota camry 1989?

Remove the drainplug from the oil pan located center of engine underneath the vehicle.(Make sure you have a pan underneath it) That will drain the oil. Now you have a filter its on the backside of the motor closest to the wall under the windshield. The filter is similiar in shape %26amp; size to a Can of vegetables with a round bottom. You will need a filter wrench to remove the filter.(A filter wrench is a round band with a handle that fits around the filter which enables you to loosen it for removal.) When installing the new filter... dampen the rubber seal on the new filter with clean oilHow to change engine oil of toyota camry 1989?JSame as all the cars, read upHow to change engine oil of toyota camry 1989?Make sure you have a correct replacement oil filter. Gather the correct tools ( basically, a good socket set and some sort of oil filter wrench of the appropriate size. ) and some sort of pan to collect the oil in, and a container to store it in until you can dispose of it at a proper recycling center. Loosen the filler cap on top of the engine. If necessary, jack up the car slightly and support on jack stands. Crawl under the front of the car and find the drain bolt on the bottom of the oil pan. Place your catch pan below this, and using the correct size socket and ratchet wrench, remove the drain bolt. ( It is usually best to do the final bit of loosening by hand, to avoid dropping the drain plug in your oil catch pan.) Once the oil has drained out, remove the filter and catch the oil that drips from that as well. After applying a small amount of oil to the seal of the new filter, install the new filter on the engine. Reinstall the drain bolt. If you have a torque wrench, you can look up the correct spec, but I generally just make the bolt snug, but not TOO tight. Place the collected oil in a container for transport. Now replace the oil in the engine with an appropriate amount of new oil. This should be in your owners manual, but is generally about four US quarts. Replace your filler cap, and you're ready to go.